Tag Archives: date functions

Converting Integer to Date in Teradata

If you have dates expressed as numeric fields (e.g. 20110505) and want to convert them to dates, it is first necessary to cast the integer as a string, and then convert to a date:

cast(20110505 as integer) as dt_wid,
cast(dt_wid as char(8)) as dt_wid_char,
cast(dt_wid_char as date format 'YYYYMMDD'),
cast(dt_wid_char as timestamp(6) format 'YYYYMMDD')

Calculating the last day in a given month


Nice and easy in Oracle as we’re given the LAST_DAY function:


Not quite so straightforward as there is no last_day equivalent function, however I found this beautifully elegant piece of code that achieves the same without any nasty case statements:
add_months(current_date,1) - extract(day from add_months(current_date,1))

Note: I got an “invalid operation on an ANSI date/time value” when I tried this with current_timestamp so make sure you are only using data datatypes.

Formatting Oracle Dates

This is relatively straightforward, however on doing a little reading around the subject I realised something that perhaps should have always been obvious.

To format a date in Oracle it is necessary to use the TO_CHAR function. What I didn’t appreciate until now is that whenever you return a date from Oracle via SQLPlus or similar it always uses TO_CHAR with a default format of ‘DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS’

MM Numeric month (e.g., 07)
MON Abbreviated month name (e.g., JUL)
MONTH Full month name (e.g., JULY)
DD Day of month (e.g., 24)
DY Abbreviated name of day (e.g., FRI)
YYYY 4-digit year (e.g., 1998)
YY Last 2 digits of the year (e.g., 98)
RR Like YY, but the two digits are “rounded” to a year in the range 1950 to 2049. Thus, 06 is considered 2006 instead of 1906
AM (or PM) Meridian indicator
HH Hour of day (1-12)
HH24 Hour of day (0-23)
MI Minute (0-59)
SS Second (0-59)

Thanks to http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/fcdb/oracle/or-time.html

Extracting Month and Year from a date in Teradata

select cast ((cast(current_date as format ‘mmm’)) as char(3))

select cast ((cast(current_date as format ‘yyyy’)) as char(4))

Nice and easy that one!

Only caveat is that if you have your dates stored in Timestamp fields you’ll need an extra cast up front to convert the timestamp to a date:
cast(cast(cast(issue_dt as date) as format ‘mmm’) as char(3))